Free school meals, changing schools and free childcare for two-year-olds
If you are using this online application for the first time you will need to create an account. Please note that this account is only used for free childcare and free school meals applications and is not your main Lewisham Council online account.
If you have created an account for free childcare and free school meals, please login using your email address and password to view your children details and apply.
Please contact the school Admissions Team for In Year transfers ONLY on Tel: 0208 314 8282 (Monday - Thursday 10:00am - 12:30pm & Monday afternoons only 2pm-4pm).
•Create an account or Login (Username will be your Email address)
If you have any queries please contact the relevant team below:
•Free school meals: •Free childcare for two-year-olds:•School in-year admissions:
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